About Us
Change Nepal is an apolitical organisation, that was founded in 2003. It is a collective initiative of like-minded people to improve the status and defend the “Rights” of children, minors and women in Nepal. Change Nepal provides services and support to survivors and victims of internal trafficking, through education, counselling, skill trainings, health-care, reintegration and human rights awareness.

Vision & Mission
  • Mission: Free children, minors and women from exploitation
  • Vision: Ensure rights of children, minors and women
  • Goal: Contribute towards a civilised society
  • Objectives: Protect children, minors and women in CSEC and CST

Activities & Services
  • Provide Counselling Service
  • Provide Life-Skills Trainings
  • Health Awareness and Literacy Classes
  • Provide Human Rights Education, Empowerment and Advocacy
  • Referrals for Rehabilitation, Re-integration, Protection and Prosecution

Affiliated to:
Gender Violence Control Network Alliance against Trafficking in Women and Children in Nepal (AATWIN) National Child Protection Alliance (NCPA)